In this second part, you will gain insight into braces for kids and adults as well as their duration, process, and working.
Mentioned down below is the advantages of braces followed by the cleaning method for teeth while wearing them.
We have also listed different types of retainers available and the purpose behind wearing them after the braces.
Learn more about whitening your teeth after the braces process, teeth removal for braces and the cost involves.
Braces for kids: the requirement of braces in children can be due to a number of reasons including, crooked teeth, crowding, overlapping teeth or bad bite, i.e. a case in which one of the jaws is bigger than the other. Often these problems might occur because of baby teeth lost soon, any accidents or injury or sometimes because of thumb sucking habits also. It is also reported that orthodontic problems are inherited and hence if someone in kids will too. Caring for Braces in kids is also a tedious but very important task. Teeth should be brushed regularly after every meal and specials kinds of bushes and flosses should be used. Regularly visit the dentist for any checkup regarding plaque formation and cavities. In case of pain or broken braces, an over the top pain reliever can be taken and specialized waxes can be applied over the braces and wires to get relieved from the sharp edges. However, if the problem persists, visit an orthodontist immediately.
Braces for Adults: It might be surprising for some, but the truth is you are never too old to get braces. If you never had orthodontic treatment in childhood and you are facing problems like headache, toothache, gum diseases, crooked smile or jaw, and ear pain, it might be the time to visit an orthodontist.
Braces Duration: Orthodontic treatments are no one-size-fits-all treatment, they are different in each and every case as the mouth of each patient is different. Appropriating the time taken for the braces to treat an anomaly will depend upon a number of factors exclusive to that particular patient. Generally, once the braces are put on, it requires anywhere between one to three years to take them off. After that also, there will be retainers that are generally worn for many years. However, one can always shorten that time by following the dentist’s bits of advice and by opting for some accelerated procedures available in the market.
Braces Process: Braces are not just stuck on your teeth and wires are drawn through, a thorough pre checkup is generally done in the first visit, which is necessary to plan the working of braces. In that first visit, the orthodontist will thoroughly examine the teeth, mouth, and jaw. He or she may also look for any problems in the jaw during chewing or swallowing or is there any clicking or popping of the jaw near the ear. The dentist will take X-rays of the mouth to better understand the current laying positions of the teeth and are there any other teeth that might be stuck in the gums or are they coming out. He might also take a mold of your teeth and make a cast. Then he will decide on how to make your braces so that each tooth receives the required pressure and can be moved into its appropriate place.
Braces working: Speaking in simpler terms, Braces work by applying constant pressure on our teeth and thus moving them ever so gradually in the required position. The pressure or force is applied through archwire attached to the bracket which transfers the force to the teeth. Other than this general setup of braces, sometimes rubber bands or spacers or springs are added to gain more force on the, particularly stubborn teeth.
Before getting on to the working, lets us get acquainted with the parts of braces and what role they play in getting us that perfect set of teeth.:
1.Brackets 2.Archwires 3.Bands 4.Spacers 5.Buccal Tube 6.Springs
Advantages of Braces:
Cleaning Teeth With Braces: One of the most important aspects after getting braces is how do you clean them? With a mesh of metal wires and brackets running around cramped spaces in your mouth, cleaning becomes increasingly difficult. However, bringing in some constructive habits in your regular schedule will help you maintain the required Oral health. Regularly brushing the teeth after meals will keep food from becoming stuck in the brackets or between the wires. The orthodontist may also recommend special floss which helps to floss between the teeth and wire and around the braces. Some special devices such as a Waterpik flosser and interdental toothbrush can be used to navigate around areas that are hard to clean like archwires and beneath brackets.
It is recommended that after wearing braces you should visit your dentist regularly within 6 months for thorough cleaning of your teeth and mouth. Dentists around the world have also devised steps to follow while brushing your teeth regularly. It will help remove the plaque and germs from all around your mouth while keeping your gums and teeth healthy and braces pain-free.